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3 Day Program(Monday,Tuedsay and Thurs.)

50 Canadian dollars
Location 1

Service Description

3 Day Program- Monday, Tuesday and Thursday- 1:00- 3:00 $150/month + $50 Registration Fee Our four-year-old program reinforces and expands on the behaviours and skills learned in our three-year-old program. The focus of our four-year-old program is on continuing to stimulate social growth while preparing students academically for the rigors of kindergarten. Students learn to say and recognize the capital and lowercase letters of the alphabet, recognize simple words, identify colours, shapes, numbers, and quantities, complete geometric patterns, compare objects based on size, shape, length, count from 1 to 20, print their name and the numbers 1 to 10. The school year is organized into monthly themes, which are accompanied by a wide range of play stations and activities that are designed to integrate the skills and concepts being taught. Past themes have included: outer space, ocean life, insects, movement and animals through out time. Children who are 4 years old by December 31, 2019 and are toilet trained are eligible to attend this pre-school program. Ages 4-5- Must be potty trained.

Contact Details

  • Regina, SK, Canada

    + 3065336499

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