Coming School Year 2022-2023
Bilingual English/ Spanish
Preschool Programs
Located at St. Jerome School
1 Day Program (los pollitos)- Friday - 9:15- 11:15 $100/month + $50 Registration Fee
The focus of our 1 day program is very similar to our 2 day program, just helping out those families that just are not able to get their child to school as often due to transportation. This program is working on developing and enhancing socialization skills such as listening, decision-making, problem solving, healthy communication, taking turns, empathy, sharing, respect, and self-control, as well as fostering curiosity, independence, self-esteem, imagination, hand-eye coordination, language and cognitive skills.
The school year is organized into monthly themes, which are accompanied by a wide range of play stations and activities that are designed to integrate the skills and concepts being taught. Past themes have included: the five senses, pet care, colors, shapes, transportation, and the four seasons. Children who are 3 years old by December 31 and are toilet trained or working on, are eligible to attend this pre-school program.
Ages 2 - 5 - Must be potty trained or working on.
With the one-day program we will do an assortment of incorporating the Spanish language in our day through our play-based learning and inquiry. We will have a word of the the day where we will focus on using it in our classroom that specific day. I will send home the words of the day home each day with the meaning so children can practice at home. Repetition and practice is a great way to introduce our little learners to the language.
2 Day Program (los ositos)- Tuesdays and Thursdays- 9:15- 11:15 $140/month + $50 Registration Fee
The focus of our three-year-old program is on developing and enhancing socialization skills such as listening, decision-making, problem solving, healthy communication, taking turns, empathy, sharing, respect, and self-control, as well as fostering curiosity, independence, self-esteem, imagination, hand-eye coordination, language and cognitive skills.
The school year is organized into monthly themes, which are accompanied by a wide range of play stations and activities that are designed to integrate the skills and concepts being taught. Past themes have included: the five senses, pet care, colors, shapes, transportation, and the four seasons. Children who are 3 years old by December 31 and are toilet trained are eligible to attend this pre-school program.
Ages 3-4 - Must be potty trained or working on
With the 2 day program we will do an assortment of Spanish language learning through ABC’s, 123,s, short stories, and our daily classroom activities, and most importantly through our play based learning. Learning through our everyday play will let the children learn organically words of the Spanish language. We will have daily words of the day that will be sent home to practice.
Repetition and practice is a great way to introduce our little learners to the language.
3 Day Program-(los conejitos)
- Monday, Tuesdays and Thursdays- 1:00- 3:00 $160/month + $50 Registration Fee
Our four-year-old program reinforces and expands on the behaviors and skills learned in our three-year-old program. The focus of our four-year-old program is on continuing to stimulate social growth while preparing students academically for the rigors of kindergarten.
The school year is organized into monthly themes, which are accompanied by a wide range of play stations and activities that are designed to integrate the skills and concepts being taught. Past themes have included: outer space, ocean life, insects, movement and animals through out time. Children who are 4 years old by December 31 and are toilet trained are eligible to attend this pre-school program.
Ages 4-5- Must be potty trained.
Our 3 day program will learning Spanish through our daily circle time where we will cover ABC’s,123’s and cover topics such as feelings, weather, and so much more. We will engage in hearing short stories and continue to incorporate the Spanish language in our play based learning. We will also have daily words where we will learn and focus using in the classroom and bring home to practice. Repetition and practice is a key way for our little learners to get to know the language.

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